
man trying out new piano keyboard

10 Best Keyboard Stands: Your Ultimate Music Companion

From professional keyboardists, hobbyists, and beginners, investing in a sturdy and durable keyboard stand aids in maintaining proper posture. When shopping for a piano keyboard stand, your electric portable piano’s weight, dimensions, and desired style are the most important factors to consider. The Purpose of a Keyboard Stands A keyboard stand can allow keyboardists to

10 Best Keyboard Stands: Your Ultimate Music Companion Read More »

musician using audio technica microphone

10 Best Audio-Technica Microphones for Musicians & Podcasters

Most musicians and performing artists would rather spend time recording and listening to music than researching the web for the best microphone to suit their performance needs.  But which produces the best sound quality, is the least expensive option, and what differentiates price and quality? Who offers the convenience of USB, and why has it

10 Best Audio-Technica Microphones for Musicians & Podcasters Read More »

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